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Ambassador of the Steampunk Universe

While it can easily be said that we would all choose to present steampunk in a positive manner there is one man who truly goes above and beyond. Anyone who has ever been privileged to have met this man will undoubtfully agree 100%. He has received a medal in recognition of his continued service to the steampunk community and Knighted by HRH Lord Bobbins at TeslaCon. Might I have the pleasure of announcing that this amazing individual will be attending The Steampunk Stampede as well. Our first official guest will be none other than His Hooleyness The Steampunk Pope Brother Barnabass Brass-Boiler plate Sir RJ Lundgren Ambassador of the Steampunk Universe.

If you are new to the steampunk community this is the man you will want to meet. If you know who this man is well it goes without saying this is the man you want to look up and say hello to. If you are fortunate enough this is the man you proudly call friend if not brother. RJ epitomizes the definition of Ambassador and Steampunk Stampede is honored to have him to represent the Steampunk Universe at their event.

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Will Smith
Will Smith
May 25, 2023

RJ is a great person and I'm proud to call him "friend" :^)

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