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I Can't Drive 55

Pa Moonshine here corse ya autta have node that by now. I thinks its bout time we hads us a discussen about these here speedemup limits. Now Ima gonna be streight up like a bad shot a whiskey I dont like em. Fur zample the sign sais its okay to drive 45 in a 65 sose its should be just as good to sped on up to 85 just aint fare to looks at it from one side and not the other. Nuther thing ifn you was raised rite youas taught ta keep both feat flat on the flurr when sitting down. Them Polyocifers just didnt get no proper raisens and it shows. I also thinks ifn nobody elses is on the road they otts ta be optional I means ifn I wants to drive 35 and enjoy the cenery and aint nobody else on the road then I otts to be able two or ifn I be russed I otts to be able to go fast as I wants. Corse nuther things to thunk about is the song on the radidio ifn its a tearjurk I mites wanna slow down just a bit and ifn say its the Orange Blossum Special or Paradise City well then you just gots to keeps up with the song only makes cents. Final point fur now them polyocifers needs to lurn math. Ifn there is too folks indy car and the speedemup limit is 55 then I shoulds get 55 fur me und 55 furdem fur a totaled of 110 I onlies think its fair. I just can't drive 55 Nuff said.

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