Ok So most folks what know me are aware that Halloween is my holiday of choice but as I get a few more days into my age (21) I guess it is only fair to show a bit of kindness to the other major holiday Easter......... ok Christmas is that better. So, let's start by answering a question or two.
First is Santa Clause real? There is only one correct answer to this I don't care how big a Scrooge I am I can say with no doubt in my mind Santa is 100% real. Of course, in all honesty I think too many folks regulate Santa to one season when I think every day should be a Santa Day somewhere. You see Santa is not a person but a Personna an attitude if you will. Santa is giving with no expectations of getting anything in return, being kind to someone be it holding the door or a simple hello and acknowledging that someone exist. So is Santa a jolly fat man in a red suit not necessarily but some folks do dress the part.
Is there any special food I look forward to at Christmas time? NOPE I think it's kind of silly to sit around and wait for a special occasion to eat a certain food. If I want a Deviled Egg or a slice of Ham, I'm not going to wait as you never know what the next day might bring or if you are even going to make the next day. Plus, if you eat as you like chances are you won't overeat on that one so called special day.
Am I offended by Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Why would I be? Someone is taking the time to say something positive to me so I should be grateful. Notice I said should be as it just annoys me when the people are forced to say it out of obligation of their job. Don't make them bad people but it still annoys me.
Anyway, enough rambling go out and get you a chocolate cake and have a slice and have a Happy Easter.