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Thank You Big River

While it was a bit of a journey to reach our destination of Hannibal Missouri the Big River Steampunk Festival was without doubt very much worth the time spent couped up in the cab of the truck.

As to be expected with over 4 blocks of vendors there was plenty of things to purchase along with the food trucks and beverage vendors keeping us hydrated and full. Add to this the Dutch Country General Store which is a local mercantile and makes fresh sandwiches on sight as you wait and offer free Ice Cream to boot. Then there was an amazing line up of entertainment

With a line up featuring the Steampunk Pope the true Ambassador of Steampunk available for vow renewal's, The Scallywag's providing first rate comedic talent, The incomparable Thawind Mills who is an amazing guitarist and storyteller. This year Tammy did a fantastic job filling up all three stages. As if that were not enough as you strolled down the street you would eventual run into a certain Professor Jefferson Parker and his Penny Farthing High Wheeler and get to ride it. Eventually you would spot the Wasteland and have a chance to pose beside The Tank or even a Delorean Time Car.

The absolute best thing about Big River Steampunk Festival hands down no competition would be the people. The oppurtunity to set down and visit with Tammy, RJ, Molly, David, and so many others can only be described as Amazing. A huge shout out to those who volunterred and help make this event happen and an even bigger shout out to Tammy Dunbar Riley who owns and host The Big River Steampunk Festival. Thank you for allowing The Irish Road Show be a part of this all.

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