Howdy Folks Pa Moonshine here I figger I mite ot to share wit yall one of usn Moonshiner aventors. but I gotts to admit I aint real shore ifn this has alredy done been or ifn its about to be. The ishoes of time travlen. With that bean sid I aint reall shore ifn we started afor or after allin I nose is after the still blowned up on usn weas no longer in the Okielachians and dinnit have us no more still.
Now this started out liken any utther day out in the wouds wit me an CW sitting up the still asn weas gonna make usn some fine corn queesuns as day mash was all redy to go. I had a guud fire going an the mash was gettrn proper wourm. I tole CW to ceal err up an Id go fetch the eatins so we wernt gonna be hungry. Now it only tuk me a few of them secunds to get thar and back an jus as I stepped around the tree BOOOM. Nowin I nose wut Momma ment win she said sheus gonna slap onea us boys into next week cors im thinkin this mite a bean a backhand.
Sewin once I wus able ta git up and shake the cobwebs loose I was able to ask CW what happuned. Seams he got hungry afor I got back and camed up short on the oatmeal to ceal up the still propure like. Heus lucky heus the edumacated one and can carry a decunt amount of corn plus i figgered he miteuh gotts a guud enuff whuppin frum that splowshun that he miteuh lurned a lesson.Wurnt much we coud do but heed back to da house but well it werent there no more. But weuns met this hear Day Vin Chinni feller wose wus kind enuff to envite usn to sheltur upen his place fur the nite.
Now this Lennard felluh was shure a guud enuff as they come he had sum mity strange concepts what almost mitta made sense. Him and CW had lotts in common wut with both ofem bean sumwat edumacated and all. Himmen CW gotts to talken about this here whirlymagiggin thing wut wood aloud folks to fly. Well CW sed it jus need some hot air kinna like Pa cuud make. So agin my better thoughtin the too of them convinced me to build a still soas they cuud give it a shot. Lennard gotts me everthing I needed and I set to makin some shine. I figgered to use the steam from the thumper keg to give him the hot air he needed and Id get a batch a shine fur drinkin.
Nowin yud think I mitta lurned my lessun but well I think that splowshun miteuh addled me a bit as I gotts everthing set up and redy. Shore wus happy to have me a nu still and watchun the mash startin to turn. Told CW Ius gonna take a nap to ceal her up. Necs thing I nowed BOOOM. Gotta remember to feed that boy. Kinda wunder wut happund to Lennard. Ifn Ya ever cross paths with a feller named Lennard Day Vin Chinni Id shore appreciat ifn ya let me no as I kinda think I mite needs to give him a propure apology fur the exsplowsun and all.
