No not that one the Turkey aint even been pardoned yet. Its Halloween of course the time for all things to communicate from across the veil of darkness. While this month has been just a bit hectic with performance, I hope to introduce everyone to a new addition to the Gear Con Family that came about due to the many performances.
Be sure to check out the new pins that RJ has created for the Steampunk Pope and his Popemobile and get your orders in early. You can find out more info here at his Facebook. Seems that the gofundme has come to a screeching halt but the popemobile still needs funding plus it will help defray cost so that the Steampunk Pope can visit more areas as an ambassador of Steampunk.
Well not much to really say this go around but wanted to let folks know we are still here and have been just a hair busy. Johnny and I have both been working a Haunted Trails this month and working on bringing you guys some great entertainment at The Steampunk Stampede. Now I think Ill grab me a cup of Gear Grease and see if I can get something done.
